Clinical Playround players, colleagues, and collaborators are headed to the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) 2013 in Orlando Florida January 26-30. Drs. Eric B. Bauman and Katie White will be working with frequent Clinical Playground, LLC collaborators to facilitate a four-hour per-conference and two-hour immersive workshop on Game-Based Learning and Immersive Environments. Bauman and White will be joined by Drs. Parvati Dev and Wm. LeRoy Heinrichs from, as well as Dr. Cindy Foronda from University of Miami and Gerald Stapleton from University of Illinois – Chicago.
White and Bauman will also be participating in a panel discussion and workshop on the merits and importance of Social Media and Education, specifically clinical education led by Dr. Yue Dong from the Mayo Clinic. They will be joined by Dr. Jeff Taekman from Duke University, Dr. Suzie Kardong Edgren from Boise State, Andrew Spain from the Society for Simulation in Healthcare and self proclaimed “Social Media Geek” Jen Reeves. Reeves, a former producer and educator has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the area of social media. Join the hype and live discussion at IMSH on twitter for this workshop by following #SSHSM.

Drs. Bauman and Taekman will be joined by Beth Bryant of Games for Health and DigitalMill to facilitate the 3rd Annual Serious Games and Virtual Environment Arcade and Showcase. This year year marks the innaugral Best-in-Show awards for the Arcade and Showcase. Dr. Ben DeVane Assistant Professor from the University of Florida Digital World Institute at Gainesville will be leading the judging efforts with Gerald Stapleton and Dr. Katie White.
If you cannot make it to IMSH this year, you can follow the happenings of the conference in general on twitter by following #IMSH2013.