
Bruce Nappi & Sem Lampotang By Katie White, MD The Serious Games and Virtual Environments Showcase and Arcade at IMSH 2013 in  in Orlando, Florida at Peabody Convention Center was a resounding success again this year. The number of participants continues to grow as does the buzz surrounding the event. Using the hashtag #IMSHarcade, Twitter kept IMSH attendees informed about the event and certainly contributed to the record numbers of gamers who showed up to try out this year’s entries. Awards

Clinical Playround players, colleagues, and collaborators are headed to the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) 2013 in Orlando Florida January 26-30.  Drs. Eric B. Bauman and Katie White will be working with frequent Clinical Playground, LLC collaborators to facilitate a four-hour per-conference and two-hour immersive workshop on Game-Based Learning and Immersive Environments.  Bauman and White will be joined by Drs. Parvati Dev and Wm. LeRoy Heinrichs from clinispace.com, as well as Dr.