Clinical Playground’s own Dr. Eric B. Bauman was delighted to play a consulting project management role in this transformative teaching and learning project with colleagues at the University of Maryland Medical Center and Grendel Games. “In September 2023, our colleagues from the first cohort of the Innovation Challenge were
Clinical Playground’s Founder Dr. Eric B. Bauman was recently recognized by Sigma or Sigma Theta Tau, the International Honor Society of Nursing for his volunteer contributions. Sigma has over 135,000 active members and is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge, teaching, learning, and service through the cultivation of communities of practice, education, and research. Dr. Bauman was recognized for his contributions to the organization including grant and conference submissions at the international level, his contributions to Sigma publications and
Introduction by Eric B. Bauman, PhD I would like to introduce Jon Brouchoud as a guest blogger here on the Clinical Playground site. It’s such an honor to have been able to work with Jon during the past few years. He heads up development at Arch Virtual, a company that creates award-winning, visionary virtual reality software in 3D. Jon and I have collaborated closely on some fantastic projects, and more recently on a project for Envision that helps
Eric B. Bauman, PhD, RN, FSSH Welcome to Class By Eric B. Bauman I recently spent a week at the United States Department of Homeland Security Center for Domestic Preparedness training facility in Alabama attending a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) course. The course was the Emergency Medical Operations (EMO) for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive Incidents (CBRNE). The 32-hour course was a combination of didactic classroom content and integration of immersive small-group learning scenarios and large-scale
M. Cooper, E.B. Bauman & G. Miller at SSH/IMSH President’s Gala The 2019 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare took place in San Antonio, Texas on January 26-30. This year’s meeting brought together a record 4000 attendees interested in new and emerging technologies for health professions education. Clinical Playground players Dr. Eric B. Bauman and Dr. Greg E. Gilbert facilitated and presented courses along with esteemed colleagues and students they have mentored. The presentations reflect their
In 2018 Clinical Playground players enjoyed a productive year traveling for presentations, seminars and workshops shore-to-shore and internationally from the Caribbean to Europe, and even China. Between trips, Clinical Playground founder and managing member Dr. Eric B. Bauman experienced the pleasure and honor of working with talented colleagues on projects, some of which received industry and academic recognition. Jon Brouchoud & Eric B. Bauman, PhD, FSSH While in Los Angeles, CA for the 2018 International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare Dr. Bauman was presented
If video game development piques your interest, you won’t want to miss M+Dev, Wisconsin Games Alliance’s first annual video game development conference, Friday, October 27th, at the Alliant Energy Center. Whether you’re already a video game professional or just intrigued by the field, get the inside scoop on industry trends, meet like-minded people, and build your network of game development notables at the region’s thriving innovation hub. M-Dev’s Education Track
2017 IMSH: SSH Academy Induction Eric B. Bauman, PhD at IMSH 2017 The 2017 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) was held in Orlando, FL January 29th – February 1st. This year’s IMSH marked the induction of the first Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) class of Fellows. The induction included 34 SSH Fellows and took place during a black tie dinner event at the Rosen Center. Fellows and their guests convened for a cocktail reception, photos,
Eric. B. Bauman, PhD The Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) recently named their inaugural class of Fellows. Clinical Playground’s founder and managing member Dr. Eric B. Bauman is in renowned company among the 34 innovative and distinguished scholars named to the first class of SSH Fellows. Individuals were selected based on their outstanding contributions to the development of SSH and to the field of healthcare simulation. The skills and knowledge of the first class of SSH Fellows will be vital
Reid Adams, Eric B. Bauman, PhD, Angela Samosorn & Crystle Martin, PhD The 2016 Games+Learning+Society Conference (aka GLS12) was hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Education July 17-19, at Union South. This is the 3rd venue leveraged for this premier educational games conference. The conference started at the Monona Terrace and later moved to the UW-Madison Memorial Union on Lake Mendota. This years conference was keynoted by Earnest Adams (Uppsala University), Betty Hayes-Gee