Suzie Kardong Edgren

M. Cooper, E.B. Bauman & G. Miller at SSH/IMSH President’s Gala The 2019 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare took place in San Antonio, Texas on January 26-30. This year’s meeting brought together a record 4000 attendees interested in new and emerging technologies for health professions education.   Clinical Playground players Dr. Eric B. Bauman and Dr. Greg E. Gilbert facilitated and presented courses along with esteemed colleagues and students they have mentored. The presentations reflect their

2017 IMSH: SSH Academy Induction Eric B. Bauman, PhD at IMSH 2017 The 2017 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) was held in Orlando, FL January 29th – February 1st. This year’s IMSH marked the induction of the first Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) class of Fellows. The induction included 34 SSH Fellows and took place during a black tie dinner event at the Rosen Center. Fellows and their guests convened for a cocktail reception, photos,

Clinical Simulation in Nursing: Special Edition on Game-Based Learning The special edition of Clinical Simulation in Nursing on Game-Based Learning has been published. Clinical Playground’s Dr. Eric B. Bauman served as the special edition editor and wrote the edition’s editorial titled: Games, Virtual Environments, Mobile Applications and a Futurist’s Crystal Ball. The journal Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Suzie Kardong Edgren called Bauman’s editorial a “…bleeding edge…” commentary on game-based learning and innovation for clinical education. Other authors included in this special

Dr. Eric B. Bauman Delivers Keynote at NLN Conference at Boise State Drs. Eric B. Bauman & Suzie Kardong-Edgren Dr. Eric B. Bauman presented at the NLN/Boise State  2nd annual simulation conference: Exploring New Ideas in Simulation on April 25-26, 2014. On the 25th Bauman facilitated a workshop focusing on best practices for simulation education for nursing and Emergency Medical Services (EMS).  This workshop was extremely well attended, standing room only. The audience was made up of EMS and nursing

Clinical Playround players, colleagues, and collaborators are headed to the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) 2013 in Orlando Florida January 26-30.  Drs. Eric B. Bauman and Katie White will be working with frequent Clinical Playground, LLC collaborators to facilitate a four-hour per-conference and two-hour immersive workshop on Game-Based Learning and Immersive Environments.  Bauman and White will be joined by Drs. Parvati Dev and Wm. LeRoy Heinrichs from, as well as Dr.