Clinical Playground’s own Dr. Eric B. Bauman was delighted to play a consulting project management role in this transformative teaching and learning project with colleagues at the University of Maryland Medical Center and Grendel Games. “In September 2023, our colleagues from the first cohort of the Innovation Challenge were
Clinical Playground – Proud Sponsor of M+Dev 2020 Clinical Playground, LLC is a proud sponsor of this year’s M+Dev conference in Madison, WI on February 14. We hope to see you at the hottest new venue supporting the game development and media arts industry. For information about the full slate of exciting speakers and ticket information, check out the M+Dev 2020 website. The M+Dev Conference Committee recently announced that Nika Nour, Executive Director of the International Games Developers
M+Dev is returning to the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin on February 14 – Valentines Day! M+DEV is a video game development conference hosted by the Wisconsin Games Alliance that aims to engage game developers and all the many talented professionals who support the industry. It is a great venue for those seeking to enter professional roles that support the game development industry. This conference provides a gathering place for game developers in the state,
G. Stapleton, E.B. Bauman, E. Kachur, AMEE Teaching Asst., M. Pusic, and T. Chang Clinical Playground founder Dr. Eric B. Bauman was in Vienna, Austria for the 2019 Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) Conference where he presented on the topics of game-based learning for medical and health professions education, and on the use of social media to promote conference participation. The annual AMEE conference has become the key meeting for those involved in medical and health
M. Cooper, E.B. Bauman & G. Miller at SSH/IMSH President’s Gala The 2019 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare took place in San Antonio, Texas on January 26-30. This year’s meeting brought together a record 4000 attendees interested in new and emerging technologies for health professions education. Clinical Playground players Dr. Eric B. Bauman and Dr. Greg E. Gilbert facilitated and presented courses along with esteemed colleagues and students they have mentored. The presentations reflect their
In 2018 Clinical Playground players enjoyed a productive year traveling for presentations, seminars and workshops shore-to-shore and internationally from the Caribbean to Europe, and even China. Between trips, Clinical Playground founder and managing member Dr. Eric B. Bauman experienced the pleasure and honor of working with talented colleagues on projects, some of which received industry and academic recognition. Jon Brouchoud & Eric B. Bauman, PhD, FSSH While in Los Angeles, CA for the 2018 International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare Dr. Bauman was presented
Dr. Eric B. Bauman was in Los Angeles last week for the 2018 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH). He had the honor of helping induct the second class of fellows into the Society for Simulation in Healthcare Academy, and co-facilitate a workshop on game-development for clinical educators and several panels related to emerging technology and Virtual Reality, as well as participate in the 8th annual Serious Games and Virtual Reality
Tim Laning Now available: the full set of M+Dev Conference videos posted on the Wisconsin Games Alliance YouTube page. Videos cover the wide range of topics and speakers from the conference including keynote speakers Warren Spector and Tommy Palm. Clinical Playground’s Dr. Eric B. Bauman co-chaired the M+Dev Educational Track with Filament Game’s Dan Norton. Tim Laning from Grendel Games, and Dr. Thomas “Brett” Talbot from USC anchored the educational track. Tim Laning is an award-winning educational game
If video game development piques your interest, you won’t want to miss M+Dev, Wisconsin Games Alliance’s first annual video game development conference, Friday, October 27th, at the Alliant Energy Center. Whether you’re already a video game professional or just intrigued by the field, get the inside scoop on industry trends, meet like-minded people, and build your network of game development notables at the region’s thriving innovation hub. M-Dev’s Education Track
Get Your Game On: Using Gaming Technology in Health Professional Education Conference focuses on Game-Based Learning and Simulation Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland M. Trapani and C. Collins Dr. Eric B. Bauman and Dr. Thomas B. Talbot opened this year’s USU Education Day Conference with keynote addresses Game-Based Teaching and Learning: Theoretical Approaches and Frameworks for the Health Sciences and The Great Game – how elements of play enable awesome medical simulations. Their presentations to