The 2019 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare took place in San Antonio, Texas on January 26-30. This year’s meeting brought together a record 4000 attendees interested in new and emerging technologies for health professions education.
Clinical Playground players Dr. Eric B. Bauman and Dr. Greg E. Gilbert facilitated and presented courses along with esteemed colleagues and students they have mentored. The presentations reflect their commitment to research methods and analysis, and enthusiasm for simulation technology that drives better student — and ultimately patient outcomes:
- Using Virtual Reality in Health Professions Education: A Bootcamp for Simulation Professionals and Faculty Presented by Stapleton, GR, Bauman, EB, Kachur, E, Robert A, Umoren, R, Mathews, MJ, Belda, T, Bramlet, MT, Koon, S. & Parham, D.
- SSH Fellows Present: You’ve been asked to give a talk? Learn the tricks of the trade presented by Pozner, C., Bauman, EB, Rudolph, J., Nestel, D, Patterson, M, Dongilli, T. Maxworthy, J, Moses, G, & Mancini, MB.
- VR Airway Laboratory: A pilot study presented by Khine J, Bauman EB, Gilbert GE, Samosorn A and McGonigle D. Simulation, Entrustable Professional Activities and the Medical School Clinical Clerkship.
presented by Buckley LA, S Gnecco, Pederson D, Adams RA, Gilbert, GE and Bauman EB. - Intermediate Experimental and Research design workshop presented by Scerbo M and Gilbert GE.
- Debriefing the debriefer: Evaluating pediatric emergency medicine fellows debriefing critical event simulation experiences presented by Zargham S, Hanson A, Laniewixz M, Sandquist M, Kessler D, Gilbert GE and Calhoun A.
SSH Academy Welcomes the 2019 Class of Fellows
The Society for Simulation in Healthcare also celebrated the induction of the 2019 class of Academy Fellows, which included several regular Clinical Playground collaborators. The full class of Society for Simulation in Healthcare Fellows includes:
In other SSH Academy news, Dr. Eric B. Bauman was elected to serve on the Society for Simulation in Healthcare Academy Board of Governance. The Board of Governance provides leadership for the SSH Academy and acts as the conduit and liaison to the SSH Board of Directors. Members of the Board of Governance are elected by their peers, other Fellows in the SSH Academy. The current Board of Governance includes: Ron Levy, Sharon Decker, Eric B. Bauman, Haru Okuda, Amar Patel, Ian Curran, and Suzie Kardong Edgren.
9th Annual Serious Games and Virtual Environments Arcade & Showcase
2019 marked the 9th year of the Serious Games and Virtual Environments Arcade and Showcase. The first Arcade and Showcase was facilitated by Clinical Playground founder Dr. Eric Bauman and players Dr. Katie White, and Dr. Aurel Mihai along with Dr. Jeff Taekman who co-founded the SSH Serious Games and Virtual Environments Special Interest Group with Dr. Bauman.
We are particularly proud of Dr. Jill Sanko of the University of Miami School of Nursing for her Runner-Up Award for Dwell: A Tabletop Simulation Game to Teach the Health Implications of Poverty. Drs. Sanko and Bauman are frequent collaborators and Bauman notes:
“Board games represent the bones of the educational or serious games movement…almost all good, great video games start out in the simplest terms. If you can’t conceptualize or play a game as a board game…it’s probably not going to be a good video game or multi-media experience.”
Congratulations to all of the 9th Annual IMSH Serious Games and Virtual Environments Showcase Winners:
Virtual Pulse: A Screen-Based Virtual Simulation Application – Michelle Kearns
Dwell: A Tabletop Simulation Game to Teach the Health Implications of Poverty – Jill Sanko
Virtual Reality Training Simulator for Learning Hand and Forearm Anatomy by Cristian Luciano
AR-Guided Wound Closure Application – Marissa Lovett
Improving Fire Safety in The Operating Room: Fire in The OR Virtual Reality Training – Chris Ingwalson
Using Mixed Reality as the Next Level of Simulation – Mehmet Emin Aksoy
Falls Risk Prevention Challenge – Kyle Formella
Oxford Medical Simulation – Virtual Reality Platform – Jack Pottle
Acadicus Launches at IMSH
IMSH also saw the Launch of Acadicus, the exciting new Virtual Reality platform designed by Jon Bouchard and the visionary team at Arch Virtual. The Acadicus platform provides a real-time virtual simulation space that caters to health professions and safety education. Acadicus represents the collision of the maker-space movement with virtual reality and health and safety professions education.