Bauman’s Authors@HSLC Book Talk Receives Enthusiastic Reviews

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Clinical Playground, LLC founder and managing member Dr. Eric B. Bauman received warm and enthusiastic reviews for his book talk as part of the Authors@HSLC series at the University of Wisconsin – Madison on November 8, 2012.  Bauman discussed his recently published textbook Game-Based Teaching and Simulation for Nursing and Healthcare.  Dr. Moses Wolfenstein and Allan Barclay, two of the books co-authors also attended this event, as did the book’s technical editor Mary Jo Trapani. The event was tweeted by Wolfenstein and the Springer Publishing Company [#baumanHSLC].  Aside from the live in-person audience, numerous others tuned in for the live feed of Bauman’s talk.  If you missed the talk but are interested in seeing the talk, it has been archived on the the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health’s servers and is publicly available.

Sales and feedback of the text have been very positive with a second printing already being planned.  Below is an expert from the forward from Game-Based Teaching and Simulation for Healthcare written by renowned nursing scholar Professor Pam Jeffries, PhD, RN from Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing.

Pam Jeffries, PhD, RN

This text has been written and disseminated at a perfect time… Overall, this book provides the foundation for using and integrating…. emerging technologies into the learning environment, thus becoming an important faculty development plan for health professional educators …

The text was also endorsed by Dr. Kim Leighton, PhD, RN from the DeVry, Inc. Healthcare Group, Professor Kurt Squire, PhD from the University of Wisconsin – Madison and the well know and respected Games+Learning+Society, as well as Professor and Endowed Chair from Boise State University Suzie Kardong Edgren, PhD, RN. Below is an excerpt from Squires endorsement

Game-Based Teaching and Simulation in Nursing and Health Care is a timely and exhaustive look at how emerging technologies are transforming clinical education. Anyone looking for a firsthand and direct account of how game-based learning technologies are reshaping clinical practice needs this book.

The URL for the archived talk is:

 This Book Talk was sponsored by the The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and the University Bookstore at the Health Sciences Learning Center.