M. Cooper, E.B. Bauman & G. Miller at SSH/IMSH President’s Gala The 2019 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare took place in San Antonio, Texas on January 26-30. This year’s meeting brought together a record 4000 attendees interested in new and emerging technologies for health professions education. Clinical Playground players Dr. Eric B. Bauman and Dr. Greg E. Gilbert facilitated and presented courses along with esteemed colleagues and students they have mentored. The presentations reflect their
Dr. Eric B. Bauman was in Los Angeles last week for the 2018 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH). He had the honor of helping induct the second class of fellows into the Society for Simulation in Healthcare Academy, and co-facilitate a workshop on game-development for clinical educators and several panels related to emerging technology and Virtual Reality, as well as participate in the 8th annual Serious Games and Virtual Reality
Bruce Nappi & Sem Lampotang By Katie White, MD The Serious Games and Virtual Environments Showcase and Arcade at IMSH 2013 in in Orlando, Florida at Peabody Convention Center was a resounding success again this year. The number of participants continues to grow as does the buzz surrounding the event. Using the hashtag #IMSHarcade, Twitter kept IMSH attendees informed about the event and certainly contributed to the record numbers of gamers who showed up to try out this year’s entries. Awards
Tolga Yenilmez Tolga Yenilmez, PT is working with Dr. Eric B. Bauman on his Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT) practicum project at Boston University. Yenilmez is a licensed and registered physical therapist in 3 countries (Turkey, United Kingdom and USA). He earned a bachelor’s degree at the University of Istanbul, Turkey and since then has been working with a wide variety of patients, of different cultures and age groups. His areas of interest are holistic therapy, aquatic therapy and
Drs. Bauman, Dev, and Heinrichs at INACSL 2012 in San Antonio, TX Authors Eric B. Bauman (Clinical Playground, LLC), Parvati Dev, and Wm. LeRoy Heinrichs (CliniSpace) won second place in the education track poster/abstract contest at the 11th annual International Nursing Simulation/Learning Resource Centers Conference sponsored by the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) conference in San Antonio, Texas on June 21, 2012. This conference is attended by international nursing and
The book cover is out for Game-Based Teaching and Simulation in Nursing and Healthcare. The text can be ordered directly from the Springer Publishing Company or on Amazon.com. If you are local to the Madison area the University Bookstore at the University of Wisconsin Health Sciences Learning Center (HSLC) will also be carrying the text. The images for the cover were provided by Drs. Partati Dev and Wm. Leroy Heinrichs of CliniSpace
Karen Boggio, RN Clinical Playground, LLC welcomes Karen Boggio, RN to our team of collaborators. Ms. Boggio is well known in the simulation industry. She manages the Human Patient Simulation Laboratory at Waukesha County Technical College (WCTC) in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. The WCTC Simulation program is considered an industry model of excellence and has been used as a template for various other simulation centers throughout the region. Ms. Boggio also provides consultation for new and existing simulation programs. She