Eric. B. Bauman, PhD The Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) recently named their inaugural class of Fellows. Clinical Playground’s founder and managing member Dr. Eric B. Bauman is in renowned company among the 34 innovative and distinguished scholars named to the first class of SSH Fellows. Individuals were selected based on their outstanding contributions to the development of SSH and to the field of healthcare simulation. The skills and knowledge of the first class of SSH Fellows will be vital
Reid Adams, Eric B. Bauman, PhD, Angela Samosorn & Crystle Martin, PhD The 2016 Games+Learning+Society Conference (aka GLS12) was hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Education July 17-19, at Union South. This is the 3rd venue leveraged for this premier educational games conference. The conference started at the Monona Terrace and later moved to the UW-Madison Memorial Union on Lake Mendota. This years conference was keynoted by Earnest Adams (Uppsala University), Betty Hayes-Gee
Acme Nerd Games, LLC located in south central Wisconsin, USA is a new start-up game company on a mission – a space and spinach mission. They are creating a game focused on nutrition literacy for kids [and their parents] called “Houston, We Have Spinach! The game design team brings a wealth of talent to this project, including Clinical Playground, LLC founder and managing member Dr. Eric B. Bauman. Other nerds, team members include, Mary Romolino, Bo Monroe, Michael Flaherty
Clinical Simulation in Nursing: Special Edition on Game-Based Learning The special edition of Clinical Simulation in Nursing on Game-Based Learning has been published. Clinical Playground’s Dr. Eric B. Bauman served as the special edition editor and wrote the edition’s editorial titled: Games, Virtual Environments, Mobile Applications and a Futurist’s Crystal Ball. The journal Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Suzie Kardong Edgren called Bauman’s editorial a “…bleeding edge…” commentary on game-based learning and innovation for clinical education. Other authors included in this special
Eric. B. Bauman, PhD The Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) has accpeted an Invitation to the Institute of Medicine to facilitate an IMSH style Serious Games/Virtual Environments Arcade & Showcase at the IOM Envisioning the Future of Health Professional Education Workshop on April 23-24, 2015. The Arcade and Showcase will be facilitated by Drs. Eric B. Bauman and Jeff Taekman. Drs. Bauman and Taekman are Jeff Taekman, MD the SSH Serious Games and Virtual Environments Special
By Katie White, MD Katie White, MD The 5th Annual Serious Games and Virtual Environments Showcase and Arcade at IMSH 2015 in New Orleans, LA was a success! With over 300 attendees and 21 entries, the event continues to attract exceptional talent from around the world. Given the growing interest every year, we moved into a larger room and through a generous sponsorship , the Society for Simulation in Healthcare Serious Games and Virtual Environments Special Interest group was able to
Eric B. Bauman, PhD Dr. Eric B. Bauman, founder and managing member of Clinical Playground, LLC opened the Games for Health Day at the mHealth Summit in Washington, DC on November 11, 2015. The mHealth Summit is sponsored by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMISS). Bauman gave a talk entitled Game-Based Learning: Why it Matters to Healthcare. The impetus of the talk was to frame questions for conference attendees to think about while various other notable
Dr. Eric B. Bauman Delivers Keynote at NLN Conference at Boise State Drs. Eric B. Bauman & Suzie Kardong-Edgren Dr. Eric B. Bauman presented at the NLN/Boise State 2nd annual simulation conference: Exploring New Ideas in Simulation on April 25-26, 2014. On the 25th Bauman facilitated a workshop focusing on best practices for simulation education for nursing and Emergency Medical Services (EMS). This workshop was extremely well attended, standing room only. The audience was made up of EMS and nursing
The Serious Games Arcade and Showcase at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) 2014 was bigger and better than ever. IMSH is the official conference of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH). Over 350 people attended the arcade. Feedback from various stakeholders was overwhelmingly positive with feedback saying the Arcade and Showcase was one of the highlights of IMSH and that more time and space should be allocated to Serious Games and Virtual Environments. The judging for
Eric B. Bauman, PhD The Executive Committee of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction of the University of Wisconsin-Madison named Clinical Playground, LLC founding and managing member Dr. Eric B. Bauman as an Honorary Fellow and Visiting Scholar. Bauman will be working with Professor Kurt Squire and the Games+Learning+Society. Bauman is working on layered learning approaches that leverage mini-games, digital applications, and haptic simulators that support clinical education.