Reid Adams, Eric B. Bauman, PhD, Angela Samosorn & Crystle Martin, PhD The 2016 Games+Learning+Society Conference (aka GLS12) was hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Education July 17-19, at Union South. This is the 3rd venue leveraged for this premier educational games conference. The conference started at the Monona Terrace and later moved to the UW-Madison Memorial Union on Lake Mendota. This years conference was keynoted by Earnest Adams (Uppsala University), Betty Hayes-Gee
Bruce Nappi & Sem Lampotang By Katie White, MD The Serious Games and Virtual Environments Showcase and Arcade at IMSH 2013 in in Orlando, Florida at Peabody Convention Center was a resounding success again this year. The number of participants continues to grow as does the buzz surrounding the event. Using the hashtag #IMSHarcade, Twitter kept IMSH attendees informed about the event and certainly contributed to the record numbers of gamers who showed up to try out this year’s entries. Awards