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Eric B. Bauman I will be headed out at the crack of dawn (why I think 6:00 AM flights are a good idea remains a mystery to me), making my way to Boston for Games for Health 2011.  I am speaking Tuesday afternoon during the Medica Ludica track. I am talking about the application of contemporary theory for Game-Based Learning for [Medical Education] multi-disciplinary clinical education.  The entire conference looks fantastic.  The  Medica Ludica track looks great.  Several friends and colleagues

Clinical Playground founding and managing member EricB. Bauman will be heading to Boston for the 7th annual Games for Health Conference.  This year’s Games for Health Conference also comprises multiple co-sponsored pre-conference events including Ludica Medica I: Medical Modeling, Simulation, Learning & Training with Videogames & Videogame Technologies.  This event’s playful title emphasizes its focus on a number of contributions that videogames, and their associated technologies make to the fields ofmedical modeling, simulation, and clinical

Eric B. Bauman, PhD, RN and his Games+Learning+Society colleague David W. Simkins were in Green Bay, Wisconsin yesterday presenting at the Year Five Wisconsin Technology Enhanced Collaboration in Nursing Education (WI TECNE) Conference.  Bauman and Simkins presented their analysis of five online nursing courses supported by WI TECNE offered through the University of Wisconsin System from a human interface perspective.  Bauman also gave a presentation about Online Gaming for Nursing Education. The conference

Filament Games of Madison, WI made a great showing at the National STEM Video Game Challenge this week. Their game, You Make Me Sick!, won the developer grand prize. The game teaches children about infection by having them design a bacteria or virus to infect a host. Congratulations! Only chronologically related, an announcement was recently made by DigiPen Institute of Technology that they will be hosting their first annual Serious Play Conference August 22-24, 2011 in Redmond

An article was posted last week in the Winnipeg Free Press and reposted at Gamasutra later that day about Microsoft’s Kinect platform being used to assist in surgery at the Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto. The Kinect is being used to allow a surgeon to manipulate images without having to touch a computer, cutting down the length of time required to perform surgeries and keeping the surgeons more focused on the task at hand. Such innovation is possible in large

We are happy to announce the a book chapter titled Contemporary Theory for Immersive Worlds: Addressing Diversity, Culture and Engagement by Eric B. Bauman and I. Alex Games has been published in the text Teaching and Learning in 3D Immersive Worlds: Pedagogical Models and Constructivist Approaches by Authors/Editors Amy Cheney and Robert L. Sanders. A free sample download of Chapter one is available on  IGI Global website, which has been hot-linked to the title of the

The Games+Learning+Society Conference, which we previously announced is taking place in Madison, WI on June 15-17, has extended its session abstract submission deadline to March 14, which is next Monday. GLS is in its 7th year and although it remains a small conference it draws big names in serious gaming such as this year’s keynote speakers: Michael Levine, Katie Salem, Eric Zimmerman and James Paul Gee. Don’t miss

Eric B. Bauman Eric B. Bauman and collaborator David Simkins will be presenting at the E-Learning in Nursing: Design, Innovation, Delivery and Evaluation conference sponsored by the the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Professional Program in Nursing on April 7-8, 2011. Bauman and Simkins will be discussing the review of web-based nursing courses available to students enrolled in nursing programs throughout the nursing programs throughout the University of Wisconsin System.  Bauman will also be leading a discussion on the role

Gerald Stapleton and Philip Bertulfo from the Department of Medical Education at the University of Illinois – Chicago gave a great talk at the School of Human Ecology on the University of Wisconsin – Madison Campus on March 2, 2011.  Their talk provided an overview of worldwide efforts to harness virtual worlds like Second Life and Open Sim for higher education. Their presentations illustrated how academic institutions, businesses, and foundations are using virtual spaces and game-based landscapes as