We hope you will be joining other Society for Simulation for Healthcare (SSH) members in New Orleans for the Pre-Conference Consensus Summit January 21-22 and IMSH itself January 23-26 at the Hilton Riverside. Whether you are joining us or not consider following the Twitter feed on the Clinical Playground website. We are also working with SSH to get the feed carried on the SSH homepage. The “hash-tag” for the the conference Twitter feed
Games for Health 2011 will include a new track that joins virtual worlds and social networks. Virtual worlds are already being developed for a wide range of healthcare applications. Now, as we improve our understanding of social networks, the linking of this tool into medical virtual worlds has really exciting potential. You are invited to join us in Boston, May 17-19, for three days of papers, networking and discussion. To join our track, please consider submitting a paper that explores
Eric B. Bauman and Aurel Mihai will be heading to New Orleans in the coming days for IMSH 2011 and the pre-conference Summit. Bauman and Mihai will be facilitating the Serious Games an Virtual Environments Track. This year we will be introducing the first ever Serious Games arcade. The Summit will be taking place on January 21-22 and the the IMSH conference runs January 23-26, 2011. Both are taking place at the Hilton Riverside.
Hope you like the site! Y’all come back now, you hear?