After over a year’s collaboration and work Game-Based Teaching and Simulation in Nursing and Healthcare by Eric B. Bauman, PhD, RN is available for pre-order from Springer Publishing Company. This innovative text provides practical strategies for developing, integrating, and evaluating new and emerging technology, specifically game-based learning methods, useful in nursing and clinical health sciences education. The text draws upon existing models of experiential learning such as Benner’s “thinking-in-action” and “novice-to-expert” frameworks, and introduces current theories supporting the phenomenon of the created learning environment.
Chapters explain how simulation and game-based learning strategies can be designed, implemented, and evaluated to improve clinical educational thinking and outcomes and increase exposure to critical experiences to inform clinicians during the journey from novice to expert. The text describes how game-based learning methods can support the development of complex decision-making and critical thinking skills. Case studies throughout the text demonstrate the practical application of harnessing technology to assist the contemporary teacher in engaging what Marc Prensky has termed the digital native.
This text couples Dr. Bauman with many of his colleagues in creating this truly creative resource. Many of the co-authors completed graduate training in the Games+Learning+Society research group at the University of Wisconsin – Madison under the tutelage of renowned game-based learning scholars including, Betty Hayes (ASU), Kurt Squire (UW-Madison), Jim Gee (ASU), Constance Steinkuehler (UW-Madison), and Rich Halverson (UW-Madison).
“Game-Based Teaching and Simulation in Nursing and Healthcare is a timely, exhaustive look at how emerging technologies are transforming clinical education. Anyone looking for firsthand, direct account of how game-based learning technologies are reshaping clinical practice needs this book.”
Kurt Squire, PhD Associate Professor
Games+Learning+Society [GLS]
School of Education
University Of Wisconsin – Madison
Co-Authors include: Moses Wolfenstein (Academic ADL Colab), Allan Barclay (University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health), Ben DeVane (University of FL – Gainesville), Penny Ralston-Berg (Penn State World), Miguel Lara (Indiana University), Renee Pyburn (Sidra Medical & Research Center – Qatar Foundation), Matt Gaydos (UW – Madison), Pamela Kato (VU University Amsterdam), Beth Bryant (Games for Health), Gerald Stapleton (University of IL – Chicago), and Mary Jo Trapani (technical editor).