Penny Ralston-Berg We are admittedly overdue on this congratulations, but we want to take the opportunity to offer big congratulations to one of our favorite collaborators – Penny Ralston-Berg. Penny is a Penn State World Campus instructional designer known as a national leader in her field. She recently received an outstanding service award from one of the country’s leading distance education organizations. She is the first recipient of the Outstanding Service in Postsecondary Instructional Design Award from the University Professional and
Dr. Eric B. Bauman was in Los Angeles last week for the 2018 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH). He had the honor of helping induct the second class of fellows into the Society for Simulation in Healthcare Academy, and co-facilitate a workshop on game-development for clinical educators and several panels related to emerging technology and Virtual Reality, as well as participate in the 8th annual Serious Games and Virtual Reality
Get Your Game On: Using Gaming Technology in Health Professional Education Conference focuses on Game-Based Learning and Simulation Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland M. Trapani and C. Collins Dr. Eric B. Bauman and Dr. Thomas B. Talbot opened this year’s USU Education Day Conference with keynote addresses Game-Based Teaching and Learning: Theoretical Approaches and Frameworks for the Health Sciences and The Great Game – how elements of play enable awesome medical simulations. Their presentations to
By Penny Ralston-Berg Senior Instructional Designer Penn State World Campus The conversation was very active during our presentation at the 2015 University of Wisconsin Distance Learning Conference titled “Are Games and Simulations a Good ‘Fit’ for Your Curriculum?” We discussed strategies and key questions to ask in determining what makes a good curricular “fit” for games and simulations. Examples were shown from a variety of subject matter and the audience had a chance to walk through the process of determining fit
Game-Based Teaching and Simulation in Nursing and Healthcare Goes into 2nd Print! Game-Based Teaching and Simulation in Nursing and Healthcare sold out its first print run. The Springer Publishing Company has taken the text into a second print. A recent review had this to say about the text. “This is a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in integrating gaming and simulation into a course or the entire curricula. It presents the theory and the associated practical application. The extensive reference