Clinical Playground, LLC is thrilled to be working with Parvati Dev, PhD of Innovation in Learning, Inc. on their award winning CliniSpaceTM virtual environment platform. CliniSpaceTM recently won the Grand Prize in the 2011 Federal Virtual Worlds Contest and First Place in the in the “Artificial Intelligence in Training” category. Clinical Playground, LLC is working to provide scripting and narrative for a multi-professional communication module, which will be demonstrated at the upcoming INACSL 10th Annual International Nursing Simulation/Learning Resource Centers Conference in Orlando, Fl June 16-18. Eric B. Bauman, PhD, RN, managing member of Clinical Playground, LLC will also be giving a talk produced in collaboration with David Thompson, BScn, MN, RN and his colleagues at Northern Ontario School of Medicine titled Preparing Learners for Future Experiences using Game-Based Learning.