The 2014 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) hosted by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) will be January 25th – 29th, 2014 in San Francisco, CA. The annual Serious Games and Virtual Environment Arcade will be taking place as part of IMSH 2014. The Arcade and Showcase will again include the the Best-in-Show awards. Participants are eligible for award in the following categoies: Academic – Faculty, Academic – Student, Small Company/Entrepreneurial, and Large Company/Corporation.
Co-chairs for this event include Clinical Playground founder and managing member, Dr. Eric B. Bauman and Dr. Jeff Taekman. Dr. Taekman also hosts the popular simulation blog SimSingularity and is Director of the Human Simulation and Patient Safety Center at Duke University. This years Best-in-Show judges include Dr. Thomas “Brett” Talbot, Dr. Katie White, and Gerald Stapleton.

Dr. Talbot formally of the Telemedicine & Advanced Research Center ( and current faculty member at University of Southern California is widely recognized as a thought leader in game-based learning and simulation for clinical education. Dr. Talbot gave the Serious Games and Virtual Environment Keynote presentation at IMSH 2012 in San Diego.
Dr. White, a Clinical Playground Player, is currently the SSH Serious Games and Virtual Environment Special Interest Secretary and is clinical Assistant Professor in the general internal medicine section at the University of Iowa where she is involved with resident and undergraduate medical education. Gerald Staple is Faculty Associate and Director for Distance Education at the University of Illinois School of Medicine – Department of Medical Education.
If you have a Serious Game, Mobile Application or Virtual Environment situated within the healthcare environment you should strongly consider participating in the 2014 Serious Games and Virtual Environment Arcade and Showcase. Event information and electronic submission is available at available at:
Click here to learn about last years Best-in-Show winners