Jon Brouchoud

M. Cooper, E.B. Bauman & G. Miller at SSH/IMSH President’s Gala The 2019 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare took place in San Antonio, Texas on January 26-30. This year’s meeting brought together a record 4000 attendees interested in new and emerging technologies for health professions education.   Clinical Playground players Dr. Eric B. Bauman and Dr. Greg E. Gilbert facilitated and presented courses along with esteemed colleagues and students they have mentored. The presentations reflect their

The steady-eyed attending surgeon managed to remain calm while he guided me through the tricky orthopedic procedure, despite the urgency of the situation. The purplish black bruising on the leg and my view of the X-ray gave me the information I needed to start. The attending surgeon walked around the room evaluating my every move and giving me directions. Another player who looked a lot like Morpheus from the Matrix assisted me in putting the boy’s leg back together. Performing