Nursing Education

Bruce Nappi & Sem Lampotang By Katie White, MD The Serious Games and Virtual Environments Showcase and Arcade at IMSH 2013 in  in Orlando, Florida at Peabody Convention Center was a resounding success again this year. The number of participants continues to grow as does the buzz surrounding the event. Using the hashtag #IMSHarcade, Twitter kept IMSH attendees informed about the event and certainly contributed to the record numbers of gamers who showed up to try out this year’s entries. Awards

Eric B. Bauman Eric B. Bauman, PhD, RN received an award for Service and Dedication to the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) on January, 29, 2013 in Orlando, FL. Dr. Bauman was recognized for his service as the inaugural chair of the Society’s website committee.  The virtual or web presence of the the Society has become essential in the digital age.  Not only is the SSH itself steeped with

Clinical Playround players, colleagues, and collaborators are headed to the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) 2013 in Orlando Florida January 26-30.  Drs. Eric B. Bauman and Katie White will be working with frequent Clinical Playground, LLC collaborators to facilitate a four-hour per-conference and two-hour immersive workshop on Game-Based Learning and Immersive Environments.  Bauman and White will be joined by Drs. Parvati Dev and Wm. LeRoy Heinrichs from, as well as Dr.

Click Image to Link to Stream of Talk Clinical Playground, LLC founder and managing member Dr. Eric B. Bauman received warm and enthusiastic reviews for his book talk as part of the Authors@HSLC series at the University of Wisconsin – Madison on November 8, 2012.  Bauman discussed his recently published textbook Game-Based Teaching and Simulation for Nursing and Healthcare.  Dr. Moses Wolfenstein and Allan Barclay, two of the books co-authors also attended this event, as did the book’s technical

The Fall and Winter conference circuit is shaping up.  Dr. Eric B. Bauman, Clinical Playground’s founder and managing member will be giving the plenary session on Game-Based Learning at the California Simulation Alliance Magic in Teaching Conference in San Francisco November 14-16, 2012.  Dr. Bauman will also be facilitating a workshop on hybrid simulation with Dr. Parvati Dev of ClinicSpace. Bauman will also be joined by colleagues, Parvati Dev & LeRoy Wm. Heinrichs (CliniSpace), Katie White (University

Drs. Bauman, Dev, and Heinrichs at INACSL 2012 in San Antonio, TX Authors Eric B. Bauman (Clinical Playground, LLC), Parvati Dev, and Wm. LeRoy Heinrichs (CliniSpace) won second place in the education track poster/abstract contest at the 11th annual International Nursing   Simulation/Learning Resource Centers Conference sponsored by the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) conference in San Antonio, Texas on June 21, 2012. This conference is attended by international nursing and

The summer conference circuit is in full swing.  Dr. Eric B. Bauman, founder and managing member of Clinical Playground, LLC recently presented at the Waukesha County Technical College Nursing – Clinical Simulation as a Teaching Tool on June 5, 2012. Bauman’s talk was titled The Importance of Data-Based Decisions for Curriculum Development: Why Research is Everybody’s Responsibility. The Games for Health conference now in its eighth year included the second annual Ludica Medica Pre-Conference on June 12, 2012.  Ludica

Feedback from Dr. Eric B. Bauman’s Game-Based learning workshop in Ann Harbor on May 17th has been receiving  great feedback.  Pairing Dr. Bauman’s game-based learning workshop with Dr. Poindexter’s storytelling workshop (see previous post) provided participants with synergistic experiences to inform their educational practice. These two workshops were presented as part of the annual “Making it Happen” educational series sponsored and co-provided by the Community Nursing Staff Development Group and the University of Michigan Health System’s

The book cover is out for Game-Based Teaching and Simulation in Nursing and Healthcare. The text can be ordered directly from the Springer Publishing Company or on If you are local to the Madison area the University Bookstore at the University of Wisconsin Health Sciences Learning Center (HSLC) will also be carrying the text. The images for the cover were provided by Drs. Partati Dev and Wm. Leroy Heinrichs of CliniSpace

Instructional Design and Pedagogy Science in Healthcare Simulation by Schaefer, Vanderbilt, Cason, Bauman, Glavin, Lee, and Navedo was just published in the journal Simulation in Healthcare. This article represents one of several articles based on the Simulation Consensus Summit that took place as part of the pre-conference offerings for the Society for Simulation in Healthcare’s (SSH) annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) 2011. IMSH 2011 took place in New Orleans in January. This article reviews the literature on